Tuesday, April 8, 2008

What the Yankees Teach Us About Life

A Book About Life - and Yankees Baseball

Richard Giannamore is a life-long Yankee fan. Born and raised in Waterbury, Connecticut, Richard mastered sales at an early age and went on to create several entrepreneurial businesses, from which he still generates millions of dollars of income.

After achieving success, Richard created the $-Road to Riches-$ Program and the Entrepreneurial Course for High School Students so that others could master the skills, techniques and ways of operating that allow one to generate wealth and prosperity, freedom, power and leadership in life.

Richard shares his insights on life, the human condition, success, leadership and professionalism, among other subjects, in this enlightening and entertaining look at the lessons of Yankees baseball.

Welcome to the first installment "about the author" for our new E-Book, "What the Yankees Teach Us About Life." I'm excited to present to you Richard's wisdom and wit.

Stay tuned...we'll present at least one new chapter each week, now that the baseball season is underway.

I'm your host and blog-author/editor, Dorothy Suter. See our other blogs at:

and our websites at:

You can contact me at dorothysuter@gmail.com
Thanks, and have a great read!

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